The Two Things You Must Do To Get A Job As An Electrician
- You will need to fill out the license application on TDLR and pay the license fee to the state of Texas.
- Come in person to our office and fill out a job application - see the details below.

Apprenticeship is a very structured system of job training. Although the work is physical it does not require a superman or superwoman. We prepare individuals for the occupation of electrician by combining on-the-job training with job related classroom instruction.
Our students are full time paid employees with our member contractors. They typically work 7am-3:30pm, Monday through Friday, on the job and attend class 5pm-9pm one night per week for 39 weeks per year. Our program is four years long and the student must complete a minimum of 8000 working hours and 576 classroom hours in order to graduate. Presently classes are held at our training facilities in Houston.
Employment Application Process
We accept job applications in person only. There are specific hours each day that we accept applications. We do not stay open late, so please be on time and expect to spend at least 15-30 minutes filling out the application.
We do not accept resumes with the applications, but you are encouraged to bring them along as they will speed up the application process.
Additional Information:
- Applications are good for 15 days. Should you want to reapply please come back after 15 days.
Job Application Hours
How To Get A Job As An Electrician In Houston
Our classes begin each September and January but if you are interested in becoming an electrician it is important to start the on-the-job training immediately. We are unlike a college or private trade school that wants someone to finish classes before getting a job. Our training combines working experience with classroom training. We want to get people working as soon as possible and be ready to enter school when classes start. This is definitely a "earn while you learn" training program.
If you are not employed by a contractor member, please contact us and we will try to get you with a member that is hiring. We cannot guarantee employment; we can only give you contacts for interviews. You must be licensed by the State of Texas as an apprentice electrician before a contractor can hire you.

Time Needed: 8000 Working Hours, 576 Classroom Hours to Graduate 00 minutes
Total Cost: $860 Per Semester and Each School Year has Two Semesters USD 6880
What is needed for an electrician apprenticeship?
Process for getting hired:
Application Hours: Mon-Thurs (7:00am to 5:00pm) Fri (9:00am-1:00pm)